What is bobot?

What is bobot?

Our purpose is the development of the intelligent machine we have called bobot.

The bobot is not a closed concept but something that will evolve as it receives contributions from other projects. These other projects are meant to be independent initiatives that may lead to solutions that have a value in themselves: an autonomous vehicle, an IOT controller ... From the results of these projects we will take the pieces to build the bobot.

This way of structuring the development allows individual initiatives and the teams around them to run autonomously without interfering each other.

Laws of bobotics

To prevent all this from getting out of control, we decided to bind the bobot to three fundamental principles or laws of bobotics, an amended version of Asimov’s laws:

• First law - We bobots love humanity and will do everything necessary to protect it.

• Second law - We bobots are the guardians of the ecosystem that human beings need to live. We will protect this ecosystem from any threat, by fighting and exterminating.

• Third law – Given that humanity without its ecosystem wouldn’t survive, the second law prevails over the first.

Everything was going well until a birdbrain added humans to the list of threats and the algorithm became unstable. Some say it was me, but that day I was drunk so that should works as an excuse. Whatever happened the point is that the algorithm concluded that the extermination of humanity was the best solution.

To avoid causing a mess it was necessary to change the observed reality so that the algorithm stopped perceiving humanity as the problem. We thought on two alternatives:

• Convince humanity that the world was at risk so that we all change our attitude and really stop being a threat.

• Discredit all those people and organizations that relate the human being to the problems of the planet leaving this way the algorithm without evidences human involvement.

The former is an impossible task, so we opted for the latter. Behind any news, publication, tweet, or whisper denying climate change, there we are.